This the vibrational essence of Nowy Port, Gdansk.

CCA Laznia II, (2015)
Laznia Centre for Contemporary Art is an art institution with exhibitions of contemporary art, especially concerning socially engaged artists. 

During the artist residency, I collected water samples from different locations in the Tri-City area. I conducted a series related to the Trace of memory in the water. The Martwa Wista is a river, one of the branches of the Vistula, flowing through the city of Gdansk in northern Poland. It got its name when this branch of the river became increasingly moribund.

My work resembles the process of creating a database/library that organizes a range of information about the nature of water. Intriguing results describe visually the energy, aesthetic and emotional image of accumulated water. As part of my research, I teamed up with the Institute of Oceanology in Sopot and Marine Station in Hel being a part of the Institute of Oceanography in the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at the University of Gdansk.

The imagery, videos, and sound works created for my exhibition Trace in Nowy Port at CCA Laznia are created from the essence of the water remedies from the Baltic. They are a meditation on their pervading effects and how they interacts with the energy of the human body. You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop. The works are a slowing down, a meditative reflection that desires to lull you into the cosmic aspect of this sensitivity.

My first conversation with anyplace when I encounter it, is with the waters, and I go from there.I try and not to research a place before I arrive so I can get a clear undisturbed reading of the land and waters in Nowy Port in Gdansk. There is a lot of history held there. It is a busy industrial port, heavily polluted and it’s where the symbolic site of the first shots of WW2 were shot. It’s also where the Marta Vistula river enters the Baltic sea. I found it curious that when they redirected the river through the city of Gdansk they called it the Dead River. My intention was to set a catalyst of healing in process in the river. Even just the language around it was enlightened somehow, there is no life in this river, no movement in the waters. There was a connection between the people and the waters there in a very sensitive way.


Nowy port water essence holds the most encompassing joy. As an essence, it holds you like a hug and allows your own innate healing powers to take place, for wherever it is that you need.

Nowy Port water essence brings a lightness to your being, it is an instant pink light.

It works to release militant and unloving thought forms, it shines a light on mind programs and repeated thinking of heavy thoughts, it helps your heart to become centered in a state of love. The ultraviolet wavelength works to soothe unresolved behavioral difficulties while helping the body ease pent-up, unexpressed emotions.

This essence can help support the stressful process of moving or re-homing, and can also assist the homeless, or those who choose a lifestyle of roaming and drifting, to feel more supported, stable and connected.

Nowy Port is ideal for those who are drifting from place to place, who have no place to call home, and who feel pow­er­less to direct their lives. It heightens aware­ness of inner strength, pro­motes a sense of ­con­tent­ment with the present moment, and encour­ages peace of mind, even during times of tran­si­tion and change. The Nowy Port essence helps us create a sense of being at home any­where on the planet by helping us master the qual­i­ties of flex­i­bility and adap­ta­tion. It is through an aware­ness and accep­tance of the per­fec­tion of each present moment that we are able to access the sup­port and energy we need, wher­ever we are, and trans­late this into strength and sta­bility in our daily lives.

It is also for those who live their lives in iso­la­tion from others, and who often feel sep­a­rate and detached from their sur­round­ings and even from the planet. This alien­ation can be the result of a dif­fi­cult birth or a weak connection with the birth mother, which led to a lack of nur­turing during early child­hood. It can help people who have lost their homes for financial reasons, or due to cat­a­strophic events, reclaim their inner sense of belonging and their con­nec­tion with the planet. This will make it easier for them to find a new place to live or re-inhabit their existing home after the damage has been repaired.

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